Carnival or Fasching in Austria
Fasching is the period between 6th of January and Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins.This time is celebrated differently in various regions.
One of the teachers of KMSi comes from Vorarlberg, the most western state in Austria with its own carnival traditions: “Fasching” which would be the traditional Austrian expression is called “Fasnacht”. During this period people celebrate various parties and carnival processions. The preparation for the following year usually starts immediately after the event. People are organized in “Fasnachtszünfte” where the costumes are planned and spectatcular parade float are built.
![]() These parades normally take place at the end of the carnival and take place in the little villages. People sing, make music and throw sweets for the spectators. They are accompanied by special music bands, called “Guggamusik” which are extremely loud and well known for playing not particularly correct. |
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In many villages and regions are many so called „Faschingsgilden”, which organize festivals and elect a prince and a princess. These festivals spoof political and social events in a funny way. |
The custom of special food goes hand in hand with other traditions. Faschingskrapfen is a sweet dessert which is rather fatty and covered with icing sugar traditionally filled with marmalade |
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The social highlight is the „Wiener Opernball“ the world famous ball which is shown on TV around the globe. |
Pupils love parties at school where they dress up as witches, ghosts, name it. They have fun with different games and dance to disco music. There are some photos of one of that parties. |
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